Heal & Unblock Session.

  • Shamanic 3 hour energy, parts & bodywork session (in person)

    How it works:
    x Come to the session with a clear intention;
    x Choose an initiated stone from the mesa (power object) to assist and guide you through your healing journey;
    x Lie on the massage table;
    x Through breathwork (multiple rounds) we will both enter a trance state;
    x I will enter a state of heightened perception to be able to sense the blockages and leaks in your energy field, so I can either pull them out or re-fill and close them;
    x At the physical level, I will release trapped emotions and memories through massage, exerting pressure, or tapping;
    x If relevant for your healing, people may come through to communicate with you through me;
    x If relevant for your healing, we might be called to re-experience a past life of yours, morphing into different characters;
    x Your experience depends on where you are in your journey and on what is necessary to come up with regard to your intention. You might experience energy flowing through you, flashbacks, emotional releases, insights, images, observation of your thoughts, interdimensional travel or something as plain as a relaxing time.

    x The session has a 0.5-2 years integration time;
    x During that time the session will continue to work on two levels. On the one hand you will see that life will bring you the exact challenges, people and situations that are connected to your intention. On the other hand, you will experience that everything within you that is blocking your intention from manifesting, will start activating. This way, it can be processed and let go of, thereby clearing the way for the new to come in;
    x Only after the integration time you will be able to connect the dots, so it’s advisable to let go of everything that happened during the session and go on with your life. However, it is important that from that moment onwards you always ‘answer the call’ of the challenges that will start presenting themselves, as those are the portals through which you must go to realize your intention;
    x After the session you will need grounding and relaxation time.

    Come in as open as possible, with no expectations. Trust that you will get exactly what is necessary for the next step towards your intention. This might be everything on the spectrum of a full-blown inexplicable spiritual experience to just a very relaxing session during which you will lie on the table observing your everyday thoughts from a bird’s eye view. Know that 20% of the healing happens during the session, and 80% after.

    EUR 299,- incl. VAT

    EUR 399,- incl. VAT (after 16:00 or weekends)

  • Complete 3 hour energy, parts & bodywork session (online)

    Methods used:
    x Bodywork
    x Energy healing
    x Parts work
    x Constellations (if needed)
    x Channeling (if needed)
    x Reiki (if needed)

    How it works:
    x Come to the session with a clear challenge in mind;
    x Through the use of the methods described above we will decipher and dissect your challenge, process the emotions behind your issue, re-live relevant past events, erase energetic imprints, reconcile conflicting character parts in you, and let go of everything standing in between embodying your healed version;
    x If relevant for your healing, certain people or past versions of you will be channeled so
    you can acknowledge them and communicate whatever is necessary to find peace & resolution;
    x Emotions that, for whatever reason, cannot be processed by you at that moment, will be released through me.

    x Insight in the root cause(s) of your challenge;
    x Healing at all levels (energetic, mental, emotional, physical, behavioural);
    x You will leave the session wiser, more empowered, emptier, relaxed, and in need of some alone time to let your new self emerge;
    x In the period after the session you will start noticing various subtle changes in your way of thinking, perceiving and behaving, that altogether will eventually lead to a big transformational leap;
    x Integration time: 3-6 months.

    Please note that everything that is ready to come up during the session, will come up. If you sense that you need a lot of time to trust, open up, emotionally de-freeze and/or that your issue is multi-layered and complex, a trajectory might be a more cost-efficient solution.

    EUR 299,- incl. VAT (same price also for after 16:00 or weekends)