About me

Hello, I’m Fay, a Shamanic healer.

My name means ‘fairy’ in Dutch so - as a friend of mine always says - ‘nomen est omen’ in my case.

I first got into healing and spirituality when I was 24, when everything in me collapsed. My body and mind stopped working the way they used to, and when I looked in the mirror I did not recognize myself anymore. It was like I had lost contact with my soul too.

Even though I did not want to, I acknowledged that I had to abandon the legal career path waiting for me that I had worked so hard for in order to heal and recover myself. While this seemed unfortunate at the time, it was a pivotal moment in my life allowing me to slowly slowly step into my calling.

This new life was, on the one hand, infinitely more interesting, free, creative and ‘mine’, but, on the other hand, also more painful and unclear.

In the years to come, I glued myself back together piece by piece. Healing was now my fulltime focus and I took on multiple, less demanding jobs at once to be able to fund this new path.

It was a challenging time. My circle, health, appearance, pasttimes, habits, thinking patterns and emotional life started changing. Not at all in a linear, ‘soft’ way, but more in like a very painful steep curve in which I was constantly confronted with my weaknesses.

I was so used to living in my strengths, but this period took away all the things that I leaned on for my confidence. All I could do was work with was I had difficulties with. In short: there was very little gratification, except for the ‘cookie’ at the end of a healing period, which was the letting go of a habit, reclamation of a lost part of mine or an increase in inner peace and overall mood.

I started learning how to live from the inside-out. How to grow confidence from inside, and how to be okay with myself without having anything around me to show for it. But also how changing something from the inside, automatically attracts in a new reality without having to do much for it externally, except following intuitive hunches.

From my own experience, and working with clients, I truly believe that everything that bothers you can be healed with the right approach and a lot of courage, willingness and persistence. There is no greater joy for me than solving ‘the Rubiks Cube’ of an issue, in myself and others, and witnessing or experiencing the ensuing birth of the new self.

May you also experience the freedom and magic that follows this work, as well as the confidence of self-overcoming, whether you heal with me or with someone else.

To a new life 🥂❤️