Hello, welcome!

Do you:

Feel like you’re in the grips of unwanted emotional states (e.g., depression, anxiety, anger)?

Suffer a mental affliction like (for example) adhd, OCD, borderline, insomnia or an eating disorder that holds you back?

Can’t let go of habits/addictions that keep you stuck in a life you resent?

Self-sabotage health, wealth, career or relationships?

Lack the power to take charge of yourself and your life?

Feel like you’ve lost your sparkle and you’ve become boring, bitter or just overall negative?

Grapple with phobias like social anxiety, fear of (public) speaking, fear of failure and/or attachment/intimacy issues?

Yearn for a new identity?

Want a loving relationship but you feel blocked in getting one?

Have a lot of baggage but don’t know how to start cleaning it all up?

Feel burnt out?

Live inauthentically because you’re plagued by insecurities and social conditioning?


💗 Resolve your (mental, emotional, behavioural) issue;

💗 Process and accept your past and let it go;

💗 Make you feel more confident, happy, free and at ease;

💗 Create a lot more mental-emotional space in you;

💗 Re-install your zest for life;

💗 Take off your mask so you can experience real joy again;

💗 Deepen your self-understanding and increase your spiritual awareness;

💗 Take back your power from the circumstances, people and habits you lost it to;

💗 Shift your identity to match your aspirations;

💗 Elevate your life experience;

💗 Open a portal to a new existence for you.

In the sessions, we will:

Hello I’m Fay, and I’m here to hold your hand while we process your lows, uproot and integrate your darkness, and let go of your attachments. By dealing together with your challenges we will transform what you now see as ‘negative’ into wisdom, power and maturity.

But I’m also here to upgrade an already okay-ish psychology to an elevated life experience. We will take out the small every day annoyances that unnecessarily take up your mental-emotional space, move from the head into the heart, discover an inspiring new path for you and push you towards the exciting Unknown. We will get you your fire and sparkle back and with that, your zest for life.

  • I.v.S., 43, consultant turned entrepreneur

    Fay’s healing was truly transformative! Her comprehensive and holistic approach took me deep into uncovering and bridging the gaps between parts of me that were hindering my success. Together, we explored aspects of myself that were holding me back, integrating them into my being, in a way that’s now fueling my creativity instead of limiting it. Fay’s not just professional and skilled, she’s gifted. It was incredibly worthwhile. The depth and breadth of her methods and expertise are nothing short of amazing, creating an experience that’s both profound and illuminating (and also thorough). Highly recommend!

  • N.S., 40, photographer and filmmaker

    This trajectory changed my life! My name is N. [anonymized by Fay], 40 years old and my life didn't want to succeed until 2023. I couldn't get anything done, suffered a lot from old patterns, adhd and procrastinated on all my goals. I didn't live in the here and now. I came into contact with Fay through the internet and entered the process with open arms without any expectations. It is impossible to describe what happened. I had to get very used to getting from my (turbo) thoughts back into my body. To learn to think more spiritually and especially to feel. The sessions were crazy and special at the same time. Now several weeks later the storm has changed into calmness, I can set goals, start things and above all feel what is good for me. I dare to trust my intuition again and tackle things. Do you still have doubts? Do it now, thank me later :)

  • G.W., 31, soon to be lawyer

    I followed a 5-week trajectory with Fay and wow how very special this was!! I didn’t really know what to expect before I started so I just tried to go with the flow, and this approach is what really opened up a lot. The focus for me was on getting a new job and overcoming the barriers I experienced while looking and interviewing for a job. We discussed and worked through blockages I knew I had or didn’t know I had, that kept me from going for the job and the future I wanted. From anxiety, becoming an adult, fear of failure, to expectations I had of myself, holding on to a past that no longer served me and childhood experiences that - without me realising - still affected me and my behaviour. The sessions with Fay were really special, I felt really seen and at ease, and I felt no judgement to opening up and sharing my inner thoughts. If you are ready to really do some inner work and healing, to live your life more authentically and ‘free’ I would really recommend you to have Fay by your side to do it!

  • J.M., 40, post-doc researcher

    Fay senses very well where blockages lie and how to address them. By applying different techniques she allows blocked energy to flow again and she gives you insights. She makes it easy for you to be vulnerable with her compassionate and non-judgmental attitude. During the healing I processed a lot of negative thoughts and emotions and managed to shed a lot of layers of social conditioning regarding various topics, that never came back. I’m way more confident and in my body and feel like a 2.0 version. I can recommend this to everyone!

  • A.S., 25, consultant

    I healed with Fay concerning social anxiety and fear of being alone. The healing is super complete and she took the time to touch every aspect of my blockage. I really like how Fay instantly creates a very safe space to express yourself and heal, and is very patient in helping you unknot each part of your problem. She is also a very good coach to help you get into the process. It was my first experience healing and I was surprised how easily I could get into it. The healing helped me understand and accept better who I am, and the cause of my problems. My social life is the best it has ever been but I also don’t feel scared being alone anymore and embrace moments of aloneness.

  • F.M., 43, coach & entrepreneur

    Would highly recommend Fay as a transformative coach! Fay has a sixth sense of feeling where your blockages lie, as well as what is holding you back. She’s very flexible in that she can work with everything that comes up during a session, even the things that go beyond the original intention. This benefits the transformation process.

    Besides her strong intuition, Fay has the gift of being able to make you feel comfortable and vulnerable so you can let out whatever is needed.

    Truly amazing.

My Method

Unraveling internal problems is a true process of discovering and pulling out all the relevant weeds. This is how I go about it:

  • To successfully heal, we must first determine how healing looks like for you. Thus we determine the healing goal during the discovery call. Then I will sense how to best go about tackling your issue and propose what I have in mind, so you can decide whether I'm the right healer for you.

  • At the beginning of each session I ask a series of short questions to determine your known blocks. As you talk, more information comes to me intuitively which I add to whatever you tell me.

  • To get out of the mind and into the body, time is carved out (+/- 10 mins) for exercises to switch off the ruminating brain and let go of restlessness in the body.

  • Sessions are focused on externalisation of character parts, events, emotions and thoughts and then experiencing and feeling them. Not on analysis.

    In the sessions you will also be called to ‘discharge’ whatever is inside of you: you will be given the space to say whatever is on your mind (unfiltered talking) about particular topics. The result will probably be a huge stream of everything repressed that after discharge will seem to magically disappear :) Don’t be afraid of your darkness/ insecurities. When they come to light, you will see they only wanted to be acknowledged. And just by doing that, they will automatically stop running you.

    During the sessions I pick up blocking energies and emotions , and process them or alchemize them for you if, for whatever reason, that cannot happen within you (for example because an event was too traumatic for you).

    The sessions are active but if for whatever reason your health doesn’t allow this, we’ll adjust the techniques or I will take over bigger chunks of your process.

  • The main goal is to make peace with everything inside of you. To get there, I will have you say certain things out loud, like ‘I love you’ to certain parts of yourself. If this gives you ‘the icks’, don’t worry, it’s understandable. But when you see that it works, resistance will lower. Results over ego.

  • I like to reserve a part of the last session of a trajectory for focusing on a desired future for you. You will make a vision board and I will clear away your internal blocks to getting the life you want.

  • During the last part of the last session we will recap everything that shifted through a series of questions and complete the identity transformation.

Where I can be of special assistance ❤️

Difficulty accessing your emotions?

Then I can access the emotions for you. This way the emotion is processed and let go of, just not by you in that moment. This does not prevent that you might feel a bit down the day, or days, after the session. We will, however, aim to restore your feeling abilities, as they are key to getting back in touch with your aliveness.

Your ego gets in the way of receiving healing?

Well that definitely used to be me, so I can relate! Being judgmental of a healer or thinking ‘you’re special and nothing works for you’ is just resistance to vulnerability that prevents healing. If you allow me, I can take over your process energetically and remove your negativity and resistance so you feel lighter. This will take 10-30 minutes of you and me ‘boiling’ together in these energies, while I take them away. The only precondition is: you must want the transformation.

You have blocked out / can’t remember your past?

If you don’t remember your past well, I can tap into the version you were at a certain age and narrate what I feel and see. This can act as a prompt for finding forgotten causes for the issue at hand.

Do you sense an issue might not have a logical cause?

Just to clarify: an issue with a logical cause would be an issue that is created because of something that happened in the memorable past (1+1=2). But that might not always be the case. Life is very mysterious. Do not disregard the impact of energetic entanglements, past lives and ancestral heritage. Don’t worry, you don’t have to believe in these things for the sessions to be effective, nor am I going to try and convince you. They just pop up if they are key to healing.

Expectations 👑

Work with me if:

  • You sincerely want to get better;

  • You are ready for transformation;

  • You prefer solving an issue, instead of talking about it and analyzing it over and over;

  • You want to tackle an issue at all levels (energetic, spiritual, mental, emotional, physical, behavioural).

Not for you right now if:

  • You don’t have the space in your calendar the upcoming 5-10 weeks (in case of a trajectory);

  • You don’t have access to food and shelter and are surrounded by unsafe people. If this is the case, please harness all your energy to get yourself out of this critical condition. Sending you power!

  • You are not ready to let go of an issue as remaining unhealed provides some kind of benefit to you. No judgement - I also didn’t want to heal my eating disorder when it kept me thin. So I can relate. But wanting the potential change is necessary for transformation to happen.

What healing is:

  • Becoming your unique self;

  • ‘Graduating’ the psychological issue you’ve identified with and dropping the label (e.g., ‘anxious’, ‘adhd’er’ or ‘depressed’);

  • Feeling more happy, stable, free and confident;

  • Things that used to bother you and disturb your peace now seem silly and unimportant;

  • Feeling empowered, ‘light’, ‘young’ and mature at the same time;

  • Experiencing a (huge) increase in vitality, inspiration and motivation;

  • Regaining curiosity and wonder;

  • Creating your life, instead of being at the cause of it.

What healing is not:

  • Becoming socially acceptable (authenticity doesn’t necessarily mean ‘being or doing what the group loves’. But you will get comfortable strongly attracting what’s meant for you and strongly repelling what is not);

  • Becoming an ‘angel that spreads joy 24/7’ (authenticity means you embody all emotions and aspects of yourself, light and dark, ‘masculine’ and ‘feminine’, with no resistance);

  • Never facing a challenge again (you are human; challenges are weaved into the web of life, they make you grow and develop).


R.S., 33, screenwriter and director (report of 5 sessions for adhd and severe depression)

From flirting with suicide to self-leadership

I sought help for three years, especially for my ADHD, but I was unable to find good help from any mental health practice or therapist and was constantly put on a waiting list. Several times I stopped my search because of this, but in the meantime I slipped deeper and deeper into a downward spiral and at the end of 2023 I reached a new low. Working, exercising, cooking or washing dishes were activities that I could no longer manage. Every attempt I made to get back on track, led to even more disappointment. For weeks I stayed in bed, wandering aimlessly around the house, and...I binge watched series after series. Suicidal thoughts were common and offered me a sense of peace. Deep down I didn't really want to die, but I felt desperate, extremely desperate and lacking in confidence myself, and with it the hope for an 'okay' future, completely lost.

I saw Fay's offerings on Facebook. Honestly, I couldn't imagine anyone without a psychology study would know what to do with my persistent and difficult problems, but I thought: it might not help, but at least it will not be harmful to try. During our introductory meeting, that feeling of skepticism diminished somewhat. I liked her views on ADHD, they were stimulating and fresh, and the things she said 'resonated' (as she would say) with thoughts I had and issues I was struggling with. During the first online session I was introduced to her treatment method, where feeling and visualizing play an important role. This method forms the basis of the sessions. The intensity of the the first session brought out a lot of pain, and sometimes I was unable to fully surrender to it. It made me anxious and insecure. Fay assured me that this was a normal part of the process and she did her best to give me a sense of security. Still, I was glad the session ended. She also assured me that that was normal.

During our second session I was very tired; the night before I had let myself go to sleep with a bottle of wine and had not slept until the morning. This was possibly due to dealing with a lot of traumatic issues in the first session, which I had released, and I felt a lot of resistance for the second session. I took that resistance and fatigue with me into the session and eventually, after a little mental breakdown from me, we decided together to discontinue the session.

The following days I doubted a lot whether I should continue with the sessions or not, but the alternative was back into the shit, so I decided to go for it. I strained myself to be as fresh and clear as possible with the retake of session which was more about resistance and less about trauma and such. I learned there that all the things that were making my life difficult were parts of me and that I was not "the problem" myself. I literally took parts of myself out of me and gave them “a chair” in space, with a voice. The parts were given space, love, understanding and recognition, which apparently was much needed, because Holy Moly: I felt better and better as the session went on.

Partly because I had to give space to the heaviness by feeling it out completely, after which I felt so much lighter! Something really started to change. Fay also felt the feelings with me, which helped as we were both going through the same experience. From that moment I knew that I no longer had to doubt about whether or not to continue. The contact with Fay now also felt completely familiar and good. I really had the idea that she understood me and all the things that were going on and if she misunderstood something, it was easily put right.

During this session we also drew up a to-do list together with mini-tasks for the next 3 days: I had to clean up my desk and room, pack my gym bag, and prepare some food, compose a to-do list with all the things I needed to do for my projects, all with the webcam on. Fay smoothly guided me through this, making the ever-so-tricky beginning, so to speak. After this, she continued to apply her method of externalizing parts in me until I could answer yes to the question "do you feel like working out?" That with that the session lasted much longer than usual was not an issue for her at all.

Immediately after this session I went to the gym, for the first time in 3 months and with pleasure too, and it was already quite late. I felt good and was amazed that after such a long period of heaviness and lethargy I felt like doing something again and had started to move.

The next day I fell back into old patterns, lying in bed a lot, and so on. But the day after that I went out with confidence and exercised again. I felt good, until a stupid little thing happened with someone at the gym (which, by the way, was no big deal, but still made my new sense of self-confidence collapse like a house of cards).

Fortunately, that same day I had another session with Fay, which at her suggestion we scheduled shortly after the last session. The incident became a useful input for the session, which was all about self-love. A timing that couldn't have been better. In the previous session we took away the heaviness; in this session I charged up, so to speak, which may sound strange, but I really experienced it that way. Also some beautiful/ mysterious stuff happened during the session, but I will keep this review down-to-earth.

After this session it really went uphill, better and better. Occasionally I still had a down day, but I accepted that without slipping further.

The following days I could start with renewed energy and fresh courage, I could handle much more than usual, and I slowly began to function again. Instead of my usual tendency to want to do everything at once (only to get stuck again and get nothing done), I now took small steps.

I also consciously chose not to do too much in a day. It felt as if I was gradually gaining more and more control over my own life, something I may never have really experienced. Moreover, I was getting more and more excited about everything I had to do. The lesser days also felt different than before the sessions, as if they had a certain function. Namely, in my inner dialogue, I noticed that I was searching for solutions in a constructive way, thereby mapping out a route away from the downward spiral.

I was really looking forward to session 4, but this session felt less intense than the previous three. Afterwards, I doubted whether it "worked" or whether my expectations might have been too high. However, one or two mornings later I was washing dishes with music on from my adolescence, and then it happened. I felt a huge jolt of energy flow into my system and suddenly felt incredibly powerful. Overwhelmed with emotion, I began to cry; it was an experience that I could not comprehend and is otherwise difficult to describe, but really confirmed to me that everything I was doing made sense.

The sessions have a kind of continuing effect, I have noticed, similar to a computer program running in the background running various processes.

The last session with Fay was a very different one, at her home, and even though she had already talked about it in quite some detail, I still didn't know exactly what to expect. We began by discussing how I was doing, which was surprisingly delightful to tell, since I normally hated that question because of my bad moods. Then we went over my vision board (my “homework”) after which she went a few more times into certain aspects, as we did in the other sessions. As she gave instructions, I caught something about seeing images, but my mind was distracted because I was worried about my coffee breath (because we were going to work with breathing techniques). Fay picked up my concerns and assured me that I didn't need to worry about that.

Using breathing techniques, she put me into a kind of trance and I did indeed begin to see images. The journey began with the proverbial movie of my life flashing by. Despite the fact that I consider myself a pretty down-to-earth guy, my experience on that table felt supernatural. I learned a lot about, let's say, my origins. Fay not only guided me, but she also solved the problems I carried with me in my energy field and talked to me throughout the sessions channeling various information about me. As you note, I don't want to go into too much detail because it was all very personal. But when, three hours later, I woke up again, I felt reborn. As if I had reset and said goodbye to my old self.

Afterwards, I needed some time to recover and realize all that had just happened. Fortunately she gave me that time. In the follow-up conversation, Fay mentioned a few details that showed that she had picked up things of my "trip," which was a little freaky but at the same time very nice and affirming.

For the rest of that day, I decided to take it easy, which was also necessary to get my feet back on the ground for a while again. The next day I didn't do much either, another relapse day really. But by now I was used to the fact that the day after a session is always a down day. This dip lasted a few days, however, but after that I actually got into an upward spiral (yes, apparently that exists too!).

It has now been ten days since my last session, and I am now living my life nicely. I look back with a very good feeling back on the whole journey I took with Fay in a short time. Much of what Fay discussed has come true, including the fact that the last session can still stir up some things in the following time, which you then have to deal with. But that is precisely why I think it is effective. The sessions enable me to resolve all the sticking points, and sometimes you have to go through the rough stuff to do that. What prevails, however, is wonder and a blissful feeling that I am back in control of my life, that I am functioning again.

Undoubtedly there will still be challenges that will come my way, but on my own I really could never have reached this point. I am very grateful that I met Fay, like a saving angel, at exactly the right time in my life. She sensed everything flawlessly, remained patient where desired and empathized with me. I am aware that I am not the only person who can experience life as a huge struggle, and I sincerely hope that Fay can help many people like me to a more bearable existence. Since each individual is unique, the result will be different for each person.

My advice to anyone who wants to work with Fay: go into the sessions without expectations, be as open as possible and try to go for it completely. I think this approach has really contributed positively to the results.

Fay, thank you so much for this!

Love, R. S


    • Calming down from the day-to-day to enter the trance state in which healing happens takes time;

    • The low-key anxiety created by time pressure greatly affects a healing;

    • The one hour sessions most commonly offered don’t ‘sweep out’ enough of the issue to inspire faith in the process and thus motivation for it;

    • Where energy work, body work and parts work are usually done at separate healers, combining all three is more efficient but also takes more time.

    (The above applies to all sessions, except for the bodywork sessions)

  • Prior to entering into a coaching relationship, a coaching contract is agreed upon and signed by both parties. This contract, of course, contains a confidentiality clause.

    Emails containing information about personal challenges are deleted within 30 days after receipt.

  • They’re maybe even better! Personally when I book a healing, I prefer to receive them online, as they’re easier to fit in my schedule. I just open the laptop and that’s it.

    Clients report feeling less pressure and finding it easier to 'let go' because of the simultaneous closeness they feel from me overseeing the process, mixed with the safe distance created by the laptop.

    From the comfort of their own house, being in the safety of their own bubble, processing stuff is easier for them than if I was sitting right next to them.

    Another benefit of online sessions is that clients face less resistance to showing up. The sessions are intense and it's completely normal to not look forward to them. However, the resistance that comes up for just turning on a laptop is considerably smaller, than having to overwin the resistance of changing from home clothes to an acceptable outfit, going outside, facing the weather, bridging the distance, etc.

    With regards to the effect of the healings: whether online or in-person, all healing modalities are possible, even bodywork. I can tap into the body of the client from a distance and notice where there are pains as I 'take them over'.